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Meet The Team

“Welcome to the League of Extraordinary Change-Makers, where we sprinkle kindness like confetti and tackle challenges with a side of humor!”

The Executive Board Members

I'm the Chair

Pam Clark

Local community member posted up at "The Outpost" of Washougal. As a staple here I strive to support all our community needs. Single handedly operating and coordinating events and various groups at our event center. I aspire to make Washougal a great and caring place to live. You can find me involved in many local events and non-profits. I work with the WSD to support needy families. As a mother and wife I recognize the strong need to support the people you live with and the community you surround yourself with. I love crafting and spending time with my amazing Husband.

I'm the C0- Chair

Pat Suggs

As someone who has been apart of the school district, I have seen the need and impact that low funding can have on students. Working as a Educator I can add my years of experience and wisdom to help our district. I have been volunteering and working with local non-profits for over 50 years. I love to help others and find solutions to needs I see in my community. As a Mother of six and a wife I endeavor to leave a positive and aspiring impression on those I care for. I learned by watching others care and support the community so I wish to do the same. It brings me great joy and blessings to see others uplifted by my efforts.

I am The Treasurer

Karress LaFrance

I am a mother of 4 students currently enrolled in the Washougal school district. As a single income family I first hand know the barriers financial constraints can have on a family. Many people are not blessed with great support systems and I wish to be that support for others. I helped start WSAFE when faced with the many barriers the school district must deal with in getting funding and help for students (not just low income ones). I believe every student should to be able to explore the full depth of experiences offered to them with out the stress of funds, access and support.

I'm the Secretary

Kaaren Spanski-Dreffin

Kaaren moved to Washougal in 2021 and lives in a multigenerational home with her husband, two children, her parents, and mother in law. Giving back to her community is a lifelong passion of Kaaren's and she has been involved with community organizations since she was a child. Kaaren believes that Washougal S.A.F.E. is essential to the health and well being of our community and is honored to serve on the board. Kaaren works as an RN at OHSU in Labor and Delivery and likes spends as much time outdoors as possible.

Meet The Board Members

Student Support and Emergency funds

Sandie Renner

I work with the WSD as the Hispanic liaison and interpreter. I inspire to help all students achieve success and reach their full protentional. I have first hand seen students struggle for access and support to activities and educational resources. I hope to help create a system that fully advocates for their community. My faith and family are what strengthen my heart. I raised 2 children of my own and fostered many troubled teens. I have a strong love for others and a desire to care for our community.

Social Media Chair

Ann Stevens

Ann has lived in Washougal for over 20 years. Coming from California, but Washougal is home. She raised two boys that graduated from Washougal High School and has been married for 30 years. She works for the Washougal School District. She has deep roots within the community through her contributions with Unite! Washougal & ReFuel Washougal. Where she serves as President on both. She has supported Unite! Since 2014 and ReFuel since 2015. She is on the board of the Camas Washougal Community Chest and W.S.A.F.E. She has also given time to the Washougal Lions Club and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. She was on the board of the Washougal Business Association where she served as the Vice President. She served as an advisor with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office Explorers program. There are other organizations she volunteers with when they need it. She wants to help our community by giving as much back as she can.

Laurie James

I have lived in Washougal my whole life, with some time away during my husband's military years. I have worked in the school system with special-needs children and understand how needed a helping hand can be. I work in the community programs watching the children during the parent/family sponsored programs. I fill the time with teaching moments full of fun while learning at the same time. I am happy to be part of Wsafe and to be able to give back to the community that has given me and my family so much over the years.

Tammy Windham

I was raised in Washougal . I left for college, met my husband and raised my family in North Carolina. During those years, I was active in the community and especially within the schools. I ran fundraisers to help fund the science lab, art room, literacy programs, music programs, individual classrooms and student needs. There is always a lack of funds and needs to be filled within the school system and community. I spent hours doing what I could to make a difference for our community, our school, our classrooms, our teachers and our children. Now that my husband and I are empty nesters we have moved back to Washougal and I am happy to put that same energy back into the community that helped raise me.

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